Okay, so he was born 2 months ago, but I just haven't found the time to post this!
I know you're still growing and it's not quite time,
But I can't wait to meet this little nephew of mine.
Oh, I wonder what we'll see when the time comes around!
Will your hair be blonde, or will it be brown?
Will it stick up or will it lie down?
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,
One pretty smile and a cute button nose...
You have a family waiting with love that shows.
Blue, gray or brown, your eyes I can't wait to see,
But deeper than that, little one, who will you be?
What can I expect when you get older and come visit me?
Baseball, or football, or maybe even golf.
Hunting, and fishing, and catching toad frogs.
Legos or tonkas, mud pies or slugs,
I know one thing for certain, you sure better like hugs!
Who are you little man? I can't wait to see...
But secretly I hope you look a little like me!